Nijverheidsstraat 32 2288 BB Rijswijk

General terms and conditions Bootverhuur Haaglanden

These general rental terms and conditions apply to the rental of vessels from Bootverhuur Haaglanden and confirm the agreements made between tenant and lessor. These conditions can only be deviated from in writing. 


Important rental conditions in brief: 

  • The tenant is liable for damage to the vessel as well as for damage caused by him and/or fellow passengers to third parties.
  • The driver must be at least 18 years old.
  • A deposit of €75 applies for renting a boat. The deposit will be refunded within 5 working days if there is no damage.
  • Before departure, the identity document is checked for authenticity and validity.
  • The rental agreement is signed before departure.
  • If the agreed end time is exceeded, €20 per 15 minutes will be charged. The lessor retains the right to compensation for further (consequential) damage such as lost rental income by the tenant. This will be deducted from the deposit.
  • You must return the boat in good, clean, original and complete condition. If the boat is not returned in a reasonably clean condition after boating, we will charge a cleaning fee starting at €15 and deduct it from the deposit.
  • You must remove any waste from board yourself. Waste bins are available.
  • In the event of damage or breakdown, always contact us immediately on telephone number +31 (0)6 16 09 83 14.
The full version of the general terms and conditions is only available in Dutch.